Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 11:45:11

Activitats +Biennal

Diverse city , Habitable City / Dialogue

Functional diversity, prostheses and cyborgs

A series of conferences that aim to approach designers in a broad, fascinating field: the design of prostheses for cyborgs. Design as a mediator between us and our abilities. The series also includes cinema-forum sessions, presentations of school projects and the round table 'Functional diversity as a driving force for social change' (21 November).

With Raúl Goñi, Manu González and Javier Aragón (Conscious design and functional diversity), Fernando Broncano, Paloma G. Díaz and Isidre Esteve (The standard body, the altered body and humans as cyborgs) and Kelly Arrontes, Xavier Duacastilla, Eugenio Vega and Carla Habif-Hassid Bozzo (Perspectives of diversity).

More information


21 - 23 NOVEMBER. Times on the organisation's website

Limited reservations

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