Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 14:33:40

Activitats +Biennal

Democratic city / City's activity

The city of pioneers

Androna Cultura offers an itinerary that helps us to understand the plurality of voices and perspectives of Historical Feminism in our city. From the conservatism of Catholic feminism to the anti-clericalism of secular and worker's feminism, from republicans to anarchists and masons, from rights and education, denouncing the prevailing order of gender and the struggle for emancipation, the right to vote and full citizenship from the 1920s onwards. Stories that are essential for understanding where we are and thanks to whom.

Activity free of charge. Places are limited. Prior registration required at the Gòtic-Andreu Nin Library.

This activity is part of the series organised by the Barcelona Network of Civic Centres and Barcelona Libraries, aimed at reflecting on a fairer and more equitable city from a gender perspective.


10 November 2018


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