Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 11:32:32

Activitats +Biennal

Democratic city / City's activity

Exploratory walk

The Punt 6 group offers an route around the public areas of Poble-sec, in order to reflect as a community on the perception of security. Is it the same every day and at all times of day? What are the factors that make us feel safer? During the exploratory walk, we will take photos of the favourable and unfavourable elements that we wish to emphasise. The intervention in these public areas will be dealt with in Urban Transformation (17 November).

This activity is part of the series organised by the Barcelona Network of Civic Centres and Barcelona Libraries, aimed at reflecting on a fairer and more equitable city from a gender perspective.

Activity free of charge. Prior registration required at El Sortidor Civic Centre


10 November 2018


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