Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 13:07:11

Activitats +Biennal

Diverse city / Dialogue , Workshop

Solidarity in Diversity Series

A reflection on the conditions and forms of solidarity, through workshops and discussions that will try to define new structures and strategies of inclusive coexistence and effective social cohesion. Rethinking solidarity: reality and fiction (14 November) with the workshop The possibilities and limits of solidarity and a discussion between the journalist and writer Rokhaya Diallo and Marina Garcés, a philosopher and UB lecturer. The series also includes the conference Solidarity: coexistence in diversity (20 November), with a workshop focusing on the challenges of social transformation and a discussion between Stijn Oosterlynkc and Daniel Gascón.

The series includes the scientific commissioner from the CIDOB Barcelona Centre for International Affairs.

More information


14 and 20 NOVEMBER Times on the organisation's website
Palau Macaya


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