Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 05:17:37

Activitats +Biennal

Democratic city , Diverse city / Live arts

Herstory. When women speak up

How did the Bread Revolt start? What was the role of women in the struggle for workers’ rights? We recuperate the silenced history of women through scenes represented by the characters who were the protagonists, and who show us, through short sketches, that women have not only formed part of history, but they have built and transformed it.

Herstory is a dramatised itinerary, with the participation of neighbourhood theatre groups.

This activity is part of the series organised by the Barcelona Network of Civic Centres and Barcelona Libraries, aimed at reflecting on a fairer and more equitable city from a gender perspective.

Activity free of charge. Places are limited. Prior registration required at the Horta-Can Mariner Library.


12 November 2018


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