Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 07:51:18

Activitats +Biennal

Democratic city , Diverse city / Dialogue

Art and feminism in the city, an essential link for human rights

Culture and the arts have always been essential tools in the feminist struggle and the empowerment of women. In that context, the current role of Arab artists takes on an importance and an essential value for defending women's rights in their communities and cities. This round table will examine and discuss the relationship between the art created by women and their role as agents for social transformation.

The activity, organised by IEMed, is part of the Xabaca project, an initiative led by Jiwar Creació i Societat (Barcelona), NOVACT (Barcelona) and the Al Fanar Foundation (Madrid), which focuses on Arab women artists who, facing censorship and reprisals in their countries of origin, decide to offer the woman's point of view through their creations.

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